"protect your wood"
Don't allow something that's an easy fix, end up ruining your dock investment!
We offer
How we “Protect Your Wood”:
For best results,
the wrap is installed down into the mud line and one foot above the high tide line or up to the whalers on the dock.
Nails are installed every 2 inches along the seams. Our pile wrap is only available in black color because of its high UV rating for added protection.
The unique wrap serves as a non-polluting preservation and support product.
This product is safe for the environment as well as your dock, and has been approved by the following organizations:
Past to Present:
As long as man has launched wooden boat or built wooden structures in the sea, he has suffered from the activities of shipworms and other marine boring animals. Wherever a wharf or piling stands in salt water these seldom-seen enemies are ready to attack. Records show that as far back as 412 BC. arsenic and sulfur mixed with oil was used on wooden structures to prevent shipworm invasion. During Columbus' time, bottoms of ships were covered with a mixture of tallow and pitch in hope of discouraging shipworms and various fouling organisms. These "termites of the sea" drill passages with which they rasp their way through your pilings and survive...when they survive, your dock does not!
Effective December 31, 2003, the Environmental Protection Agency banned most chemicals used to effectively treat the wood used in docks and pilings due to their toxic effects on the environment. Creosote (the most commonly used) contains numerous constituents that are extremely toxic to aquatic organisms. Both the treatment process and the use of treated-products can result in exposure to pesticides for both people and the environment.
Current manufactured pilings are projected to last about 10-15 years consistently deteriorating without any inspections, maintenance, or preventative measures. However, the life span of these pilings can be drastically increased (easily doubled) through the use of piling wrapping to serve as a protective barrier from the elements with absolutely no harm to the outside environment. This proven method can extend the life of your piling an additional 20-30 years.
Meet The Culprits:
Shipworms (Teredinidae):
The most destructive of the marine wood borers is shipworm or teredinidae. This mollusk enters submerged timbers when it is very small and grows rapidly inside the wood. Myriads of these creatures riddle the interior of the wood until, without noticeable damage on the outside, an entire structure may suddenly collapse.
Crustaceans (Limnoria):
Limnoria migrate from one wooden structure to another and the new location then becomes a breeding site. The females are fertilized directly by a male. Breeding occur, at least once a year and females produce from 6 to 17 young in each brood. When hatched, the miniature adults then bore at once into the wood. Since they start their burrow near the parents', the infestation spreads slowly but surely. Weakening the piling from the outside-in.
"Protect Your Wood"
Don't let THIS happen to you.
Supporting studies:
(Click on studies below to read more)
Pilings - Treated Wood & Alternatives
What can you do as a homeowner?
Wrap It Up! Preventative measures are the most effective. Wrap your dock before allowing these
borers to enter into your pilings and deteriorate your dock's stability and life-time.
It's never too early to protect your wood, but it could be too late.
Call 727-319-3359 to book your survey today!